TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase – Options
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Tool Monitor
Riello Tool Monitor works by monitoring the spindle motors absorption, through a direct reading inside the drives and thanks to an on-purpose developed SW. Management of pre-alarms levels and of missing tool alarms. Teach-in function. Possibility of selection via RUI interface.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
BK Mikro
Mechanical tool detecting system. Motorized head nearby the tool, equipped with detecting stick. Management of broken tool and of detector non-rotation alarms. Selection via RUI Interface.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Part clamping control system
Inductive proportional sensor system, positioned on clamping fixture at loading/unloading station. Identification and correction connected to each single clamping fixture and saved on part-program.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Air filter extractors
Exhaust system for smokes produced by the machine, to be mounted both in the working and in the chip conveying area.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Loading help devices
Workpiece lifting or positioning system at loading/unloading station. This device is required to aid the part load during chuck closing, where NO loading equipment is available. It can be mounted on slide, manually operated or hydraulically CNC controlled. Selected via RUI Interface, it can be used for loading, unloading, supporting and positioning functions.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Multiple spindles heads
Special heads, engineered with mono- or multiple spindle, to perform multiple drilling or tapping in a single operation.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Angular heads
Special heads, engineered for angle drilling or tapping operations, with no need of swivelling units. Generally used for light machining operations and for units mounted on linear slide.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Workstation remote control allowing to test in manual mode the different unit functions. Each access window of the frame is pre-arranged to be connected with this system. It can run all functions made by the main workstation, except the part-program editing.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Special heads for square profile
Special Riello head to perform which ever square profile.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Special heads for conical square profile
Special attachment designed by Riello to perform conical square profiles, equipped with two counter-rotating facing heads, fully CNC controlled.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
In process control devices
In-process gauging device for one or more dimensions, with retro-action and dimensional correction of machining operations made in the previous station. Device installed on a fully CNC Riello control group.
TSP 1: 6 cylinder crankcase
Facing Heads Control devices
To employ a fully CNC facing head (Riello or Komet brand) each unit can be equipped with an on-purpose Control Group. The Riello groups allow to control also fully CNC facing head mounted on Tool Change Revolver. If required, the thru-spindle coolant version is also available.